Sungaze Seltzers: Refreshing Cannabis-Infused Beverages

Just in time to refresh you through the summer! The Novel Tree is happy to announce the addition of Sungaze Seltzers to our beverage lineup!

Introducing Sungaze Seltzers: Moxee-Made Cannabis Refreshment

Sungaze was born in Moxee, Washington—think Yakima wine country—from a collaboration between Painted Rooster Cannabis Company and Bale Breaker Brewing Company.  Is this the same Moxee that’s home to the world-famous Moxee Hop Festival?  You got it!  Given the “hoppin” history of Moxee, it should be no shock to learn that 4th-generation hop farmers are behind Moxee’s Painted Rooster. Think about it: nearly a century of tilling the riches of Yakima-area soil! What that means for you is quality quality quality!

Sungaze Seltzer Flavors & Effects: Sun-Grown Cannabis & Perfect Doses

Painted Rooster cannabis is grown 100% pesticide free outdoors in the Yakima sunshine.  Combine that top-notch sun-grown cannabis with the wizardry behind Bale Breaker and it’s no wonder that the result is a delicious multi-flavor assortment from Sungaze that includes Lemon Ginger, Lime Agave, and Strawberry Citrus, all dialed in at 2.5mg of THC and 5mg CBD per can to ease you into your high. 

You deserve the best, so refresh today with Sungaze Seltzers.  Another fine new Novel Tree offering for those who really know how to enjoy life!


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