Smoking Tools for Concentrates: "The Basics”

We recently posted about resins and rosin (Blog Post: “Live Resin, Resin, and Rosin: What’s the Difference?”) and now many of you who are new to concentrates are clamoring to know more about how to smoke these gems in lieu of consuming via edibles. Well, we hear you and we’re here for you!

What is a Dab Rig & How Does it Work?

Today we’ll cover a handful of smoking tools you should know about to get the most enjoyment out of your concentrates! First on our list is the dab rig. We’ll start there with the big picture and then detail some components and accessories you’ll want to be familiar with.  Why the term “dab” rig? Because “dabbing” means the flash vaporization of concentrates at a high temperature.

In the broadest terms a dab rig is a specialized type of bong: it cools the vapor via the water bowl situated between you and your favorite concentrate.  Now let’s explore some tools that enable that “flash vaporization” we mentioned.

Dab Rig Essentials: Tools & Accessories for Success

Nail is the term used for the bowl that fits into a dab rig.  There are many types of nails, the most common being bucket-shaped “bangers”, and your Novel Tree budtender can show you your options.  Nails are fashioned from a variety of materials, quartz being quite common but also ceramic, borosilicate glass, and even titanium.  The ability to withstand high temperatures is the key. 

Unlike smoking cannabis flower, you’re not going to light your concentrate on fire.  Remember the flash vaporization we’re after?  It’s accomplished by heating the nail to a high-enough temperature that when you touch your concentrate into the bowl, it vaporizes.  Then you inhale the vapor through the water chamber and … ahhhhhh.  But how do we heat the nail?  There are options, of course!

A torch can of course be used to heat the nail—either an electric torch lighter or a culinary butane torch. Don’t get carried away and use a torch device that your budtender has not shown you!  Safety, folks! 

An alternative to the flame approach is the E-nail, an electronic nail that uses a metal conductor to heat the nail to the necessary temperature.  Ask your Novel Tree budtender to see available E-nails.  They’re simple, and no more butane refills are necessary!

A carb cap is available for nails—you know the carb: the hole in a traditional pipe that you can cover with your finger?  For your dab rig you’d want a carb cap made of the same high temp material as the nail:  ceramic, borosilicate glass, or titanium.  Strictly speaking, the carb cap isn’t a necessity, but if you wish to get really dialed in on your airflow, ask your budtender about your carb cap options.

Now… a few basic accessories you’ll surely want to keep things simple and clean and eliminate waste: a dab tool, silicone containers, and a silicone mat.

How do you handle your gooey concentrate?  A dab tool is a glass or metal tool designed to withstand the high temperature of the nail when you’re touching your concentrate into the nail to achieve the flash vaporization.  

As you know or will soon find out, your concentrates will want to stick to almost anything they touch.  The easy solution? Silicone containers will save you from that problem and eliminate a lot of potential waste by doing so.  Store your concentrates in an airtight silicone container in a cool location and you’ll have no problem scraping out every last bit of concentrate with your dab tool.

What about accidental mishaps around your dab rig?  Save your table tops!  Pick up a nonstick silicone mat!

Finally… what if you want a more portable option now and then?  You’re covered!  A dab pen is a handheld (yes, not much larger than a pen) e-rig (meaning fully electronic no-flame) for smoking loose concentrate (as opposed to a vape cartridge).  Ask your budtender to see the range of choices available!

We hope we’ve covered the bases for you.  Now ask your budtender about specific brand and product options and enjoy those amazing concentrates!  And keep your questions coming!


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